Your Finances in One Place

6.5 M



15 K

User Cases


Set unlimited daily, weekly, monthly, or one-time budgets.

Expense control

See every transaction, synced and categorized automatically.


Get ahead of the curve. Automated upcoming payment notifications

Why Wallet?


Wallet is simply smarter. We combine best-in-breed AI driven categorization and analytics with a deep set of features that are proven to work

User Driven

Wallet isn’t a “system.” You drive your own decision making process. Wallet learns from the user to provide only the data and tools you need most.


Budget2U does not sell customer data to 3rd parties. Ever. Your data is yours. Our mission is to help you use it to lead a richer life.

Leading a Richer Life

Our mission at Budget2U is to help you lead a richer life.

Building a picture of all your assets, monitoring your money and controlling your spending has one purpose, and one purpose only: to lead to a richer life.

A rich life isn’t just about money. It’s about how you use it.

Wallet Helps You:

Ask the Questions

Where does my money go?

See the Data

Unlock key insights.

Be Efficient

No missed payments.

Have the Answers

Anytime, anywhere.